ΒΙΠΕ ΣΙΝΔΟΥ 0, 57400, Θεσσαλονίκη 2310 797262 info@agrocure.com

ICC®: Unique biological properties

  • It acts rapidly due to its quicker absorption by plants compared to other copper fertilizers. The reason is its stable Cu++ ionic form which is readily available to plants.
  • It has both preventative and fast curative action on copper deficiency conditions.
  • It can be used both by foliar applications and by soil drip application in alkaline soils where it corrects high pH’s when used repeatedly.
  • Application rates are very small due to its high potency, fast penetration into plant tissues & translocation within the plant. It is applied at 50-150 ml/hL foliarly and at 2-8L/ha by soil.
  • It does not pose any risks for irrigation piping blockage and nozzle clogging: It forms homogeneous and stable aqueous solution without agglomerates and sediments.
  • It does not stain treated plants and their organs (i.e. buds, flowers and fruits).
  • It does not cause phytotoxicity to plants even when used during sensitive stages (i.e. flowering) due to its low Cu++ content which is highly efficient.
  • It can be used in organic farming.