Visit of AgroCure to a pear farm in Imathia, N. Greece

The insect which is shown in the photographs is «Cleonos» as called by farmers. This small beetle of the family Curculionidae seems to belong to the species Polydrusus sericeus (or P. formosus).

Adults of P. sericeus cause extensive damage to buds, tender young leaves, flowers and small fruits of many fruit trees such as apples, pears, cherries, peaches and nectarines. The length of the adults can reach 6-7mm while their color is metallic bright green due to the emerald scales which cover their bodies. Under the scales the body color is dark brown and blackish.

Adults are active from April to August. They oviposit on bark or leaves of their hosts. Their larvae, 7mm in length, are root feeders.